Of the Seven Continents of the World Billy Beck lived in four of them. Born September 20, 1958 in Ankara, Turkey (Asia Minor) where his father Dr. William A. Beck Jr. served for two years in the USAF and returned to Los Angeles California to practice his profession. When Billy Beck became of school age, he attended Buckley Private School up to the fourth grade. His Mother Freda Yerger Beck Stuman remarried a US Government Officer and He was assigned to Rio de Janeiro, South America where Billy attended Escola Americana for two years. The next assignment was Monrovia, Liberia – West Africa, there he attended the American Cooperative School (ACS) up through the ninth grade. At tenth grade he wanted to return to the USA to graduate from high school with his many friends at Buckley School, there he finished his high school education. Continuing to further his career ambition he attended San Francisco State received a BA in Graphic Arts & Design, LA Southwest College a MA in Psychology, while teaching at Westwood College LA, he also attended Pepperdine College pursuing a PHD in Philosophy, shortly after that he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and was unable to continue his long-desired teaching career. He also received Plaques and Awards for his Editorial Cartoons and graphic Designs from Grade School, High School, Colleges and LA Wave Newspaper.